Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Bright heads lying on the desk remembering the good old days when they used to solve deadly problems of mechanics from ‘Irodov’ or the vicious questions of calculus. Not too long ago the same minds had conviction to change the world, to explore the aglow world of knowledge and to study when they would go to college. College that too an IIT meant and still means for those who are entirely secluded from it, a sort of a knowledge shrine where one could pursue all his scientific temperaments through research. The clueless faces occupying seats in class at college are the same that used to be in perfect synergy when they were taught much deeper and tougher concepts at their coaching classes during JEE preparations. Surely it can’t be that their IQ disappeared in thin air. Keeping track of what is being ‘taught’ suddenly appears to be a challenge worth great deal for those who came off their schools in flying colours. And exams!, they are differently perceived now. More than knowledge its management skill that one performs in two days before the exams to get fair grades. Arranging Xerox of the notes, books and more importantly the syllabus are the tasks of utmost importance before any exam. Surely there are some questions that why an IIT undergrad might say “MAA  C****** MID-SEM END-SEM PHODENGE” ? Are we accomplishing what we wanted to when we entered the gates of JEE centers? Or rather are we inspired to accomplish anything like that?But wait..! did you think this was going all dark shady?? And that someone experiencing this might some day call it off by scripting “I QUIT” on the walls of his room then I would say you are ummm…….?? a bit judgemental .  College my dear is that Pandora box where you get all the shortcuts to success, an exhilarating ride into the world of fun and adventure. Fun that teaches a lot, funny isn’t it? A maze with only two ends, “You get in somehow and get out somehow”!